"My Succulent Discoveries of Art, Life, Creativity, Procrastination & More all by Accident"

... although I'm no Accident.....
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139: 13~16

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let it Go, Let it End... Part 2

It's funny how God moves, speaks to us, grabs us, by our boot straps to get our attention...
It's not funny, ha ha... it's simply intriguing...it's just too COOL!

I began writing my last post on the 15th of August, but didn't post it until yesterday... on LETTING GO! Today as I was sitting in church I was chuckling to myself as I listened to the pastor speak on Letting Go.

Ohhh was I listening... God was speaking to me directly through Pastor Bil.

I definitely know God was speaking to me.... because this has been on my heart for almost 3 weeks now. And usually God gives me 3 confirmation...
#1 my closet (read my last post)
#2 prayer/scripture
#3 Bil's sermon

Do you have a hard time LETTING GO? What get's under your skin?
Do things, people, etc. BUG you?

I loved the analogy Pastor Bil used about flys/gnats/ mosquitos... the 3 & 4 Egyptian plagues... and making it relevant to today... I know things, people, ideas GET under my skin..... so this message is just reinforcing what God has already been trying to get across to me for some time now. (Go here to listen/view the sermon... it should be up by Tuesday it's entitled Principles of God's "Shock & Awe" part 1)

I MUST LEARN TO LET IT END, LET IT GO!!!! I will "Respond to God not React to someone." Willing to forgive even if they don't deserve it.... (Hey God forgave me... and I didn't deserve it)

Pastor Bil also discussed the 2nd plague... the frogs...

I found this so insightful...

I did know that the Egyptians of biblical times worshiped many many gods.... idols. I did not know that a "frog goddess" was one of them. They referred to her as "heqet" or "heket" and she was depicted as a woman with a frog's head, or simply as a frog, there are other depictions... but i'm not going to go into that. The Egyptians worshipped her because they thought frogs represented fertility and resurrection, since there were so many frogs near and around the Nile River. She was the goddess of fertility and childbirth. Frogs were "worshipped" an idol... so God used frogs tons of frogs, millions of frogs...as the second plague... indicating "be careful what you desire or wish for..."

Any way... my point is this...
My husband and I discussed how we have many "FROG goddess/gods" in our lives... and they keep multiplying...

Our number one frog god is: TELEVISION... ouch! Actually when i really think about it... it's technology... TV, video games, cell phones, internet, movies, digital cameras, blackberries, iphones, ipods etc.... do i dare say "blogging"????

I'm allowing all these "frogs" to take over my Home, my Relationships, my HEART, my GOD.

Media keeps multiplying in our lives, just like God used the frogs.. and it's taking over.... we are being INFESTED by the frogman or let's say "TechFrog" he/she's overtaking us.

I don't think there is anything wrong with media/technology...it can help us connect with others, (especially if they are ocean's apart from us) it can allow people to be connected to Christ who may not otherwise hear.... etc....

But when we allow it to CONTROL us... we revolve our lives around it instead of GOD it definitely can become a frog god... taking over and then it makes us sick

just like those frogs... God plagued on Egypt... don't you think they got sick... moreso disgusted.. looking, smelling, living with all those frogs.....

so my friend?

what do you need to LET GO OF? Do you have frog god?

1 comment:

DA Wagners said...

I love your point about the media. We have to be so careful to have moderation with it in our lives, or else it will crowd out God's awesome plan for us!

P.S. I was going to watch a video, but I think I'll do some editing I've been putting off instead! Thanks for keeping me accountable!