"My Succulent Discoveries of Art, Life, Creativity, Procrastination & More all by Accident"

... although I'm no Accident.....
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139: 13~16

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Amateur Chef

My husband is the chef in our house. He absolutely loves to create delicious food. He can simply look in the fridge, pantry or freezer and make whatever he finds into a fabulous meal. He does tend to get a bit "gourmet" and loves to make sauces especially white wine sauces with everything. The past couple of weeks I have tried my "amateur" hand at cooking meals for our family. I'm a pro at making homemade baby food for baby Cash... but that doesn't really take much creativity.

I have discovered the secret for me to create in the kitchen!! I am a visual learner. Maybe this is why I love to paint and create art. So I've discovered a few great places to go that are visually stimulating, mouthwatering and to so simple to follow... step by step!

The past few weeks I've made
this which my husband stated "the best dang lasagna I've every had"! I've also made yummy banana peanut butter cake, chicken broccoli rice casserole, tuna melt sandwiches, and turkey meatloaf (with the help of my husband) he made the sauce topper :)!

I also made this yummmmmmmmmmy!

I snapped this photo to document my endeavor! So you guys would actually believe me!And this shot of my "gourmet husband" eating my zucchini cake creation!!!

I've discovered that cooking is just like art! There aren't any rules... of course recipes give you guidelines, but I've discovered what my husband already knows..... you can sub ingredients, and add your own little flare to the dish!!

I also made a nutritious fruit salad with fresh and frozen fruit!! Cut up fresh apples, bananas, plums, peaches & oranges, toss in frozen blueberries, mangoes add a half a cup of vanilla yogurt and this is what you get!

I've been stocking up on frozen peaches, mangos and blueberries for my "small fry" Baby Cash! They are great for him to eat while he's teething...

I simply put the frozen fruit inside this

and this is what it get!

I recommend these self feeding feeders to anyone who has a little one who is learning to eat solids and also teething.

Cash first learned how to use it with ice cubes!

Share your yummy recipes with me!

Currently I am learning the art of the yogurt based smoothie... instead of ice cream! I've discovered a splash of vanilla & honey may be the key!!


Susie said...

We've made several of the Pioneer Woman's recipes and loved them too! What a great idea about the self feeders! I'm passing this on to my niece who has a new baby.

Way to go on the cooking! I'm lucky to have a good cook for a husband too. I will attest to your hubby's dishes that I've had. All wonderful!

The Glow Girls said...

Yum to everything. I wish I knew about all the baby stuff when my babies were babies. It is an wonderful thing to have a husband that loves to cook. Jeff is more of a breakfast chef. Man on man is french toast and waffles and pancakes. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

i have been going to the picky palate website too. i have really liked it. i am like you...i need a little visual inspiration to get going!