After almost 19 months of being "baby" centered... I decided it was time to update my look. I got a shorter hair cut back in February but decided not to highlight my hair. It's so expensive. So I decided to pass and wait until a later date.
So last week, for some insane reason, since supposely I'm an artist; my husband thought it would be a great idea for me to color/highlight my own hair. He helped me pick out a highlighting/coloring kit at HEB to attempt a mini makeover and we even used a coupon... $14.99... save $2.00 = $12.99 verses... a whooping $60 to $100 for highlights/cut/ wash/ style... etc
Well my sweet friend Julie helped me on Sunday afternoon...
We he colored... and highlighted... my hair.. and highlighted her hair... and her's came out... beautiful and
mine well after the coloring.. it looked great.. then we added in the highlights... and I looked like an skunk with brownish copper hair with ORANGE highlights... what a disaster! not reddish but ORANGE... I'm talking the color of NEMO in Finding Nemo!!
We attempted to fix the highlights.. but didn't leave the highlighting color on long enough... and oranger highlights !
we laughed... sorta of
I left Julie's chuckling to myself... so this is why I shell out $60+ for professional highlights!
I went home and decided to run to CVS to see if I could fix my do... "since I found Nemo... he was swimming in my hair!!"
I went to bed with out fixing it... too tired to think about it.
For some reason God decided to wake me up at 3 in the morning.... my baby woke me up and I nursed him back to sleep and then caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror...
YEP! still nemo hair!
I bought some wash in golden brown color at CVS ... and at 3:30 in the morning attempted to fix my NEMO HAIR ....
well I actually liked the results. redder not as orange, not quite so nemo...
before............................. and now
i didn't take a photo of the nemo hair... but trust me it was BADDDDDDDDDDDD!
I actually had a coworker comment on how she liked my hair and ask where i got it done.
Oh did I have a story to tell....
Looks very pretty. You are a brave girl! I've never tried coloring my own hair, but it sure would be a lot cheaper.
that is sheer genius. I remember back in the day when Jeff use to color my hair. OH my. I guess that is why, I too shell out $$$$ for color. The color looks good!! You may be on to something.
I think it looks great! And the Nemo pic doesn't look that bad. I knew there was something different about you when I saw you this weekend. You look wonderful!
Home hair coloring is usually a bad idea but full on home hair cutting can be much worse! LOL
I think it looks fresh! But I can't see the cut = more pictures please! Miss you...
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